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>HomeQuality and safetyCargo handlingTransport in ports and railway stations

Transportations in ports and railway stations

Transport type

Sea, railway


Oversized (OVL) / Standard (FTL) / Prefabricated (LTL)

Thanks to close partnerships with European, Russian, South Asian, American (North and South), Canadian and other ports, we have privileges PROJECT provides a high level of safety when organizing loading and unloading operations of various types of cargo. We cooperate with leading stevedoring companies, have access to loading and unloading operations and, if necessary, control these processes.

We organize in ports:

  • oversized cargo handling;
  • break balk;
  • RO-RO;
  • Flat-Rack;



overloading of standard cargo of varying complexity

container container



Groupage cargo handling

container - auto

Organization of unloading at railway stations and dead ends

There are situations when the destination station does not have the technical capability to unload the cargo. In this case, PROJECTA is ready to provide professional advice on the selection of the necessary crane equipment and even, if necessary, independently organize the unloading of cargo - we have a wealth of experience in organizing workover operations of various types of complexity.

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